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Letters To The Traditional Authorities

Introduction: This report details the activities of the Nsukka team on Saturday, June 10th, 2023. The team embarked on a task to deliver letters to the traditional authorities in the nine autonomous communities within Nsukka Town.
Challenges Faced: Limited Mobilization Funds: Financial constraints hindered effective movement and operations throughout the day.
Extended Working Hours: Efforts to complete the task resulted in a late return due to covering more ground.
Task Execution: Departure: The team departed at 10:20 AM, aiming to meet an 11:00 AM appointment with Mr. Obute, who was expected to facilitate introductions to the Kings.
Initial Delay: Mr. Obute’s car troubles caused a delay, pushing the team’s departure to 1:05 PM. Repeated Visits: Due to initial unsuccessful attempts to meet the Kings, two palaces required revisiting.
Encounters at Each Kingdom: Umakasi Autonomous Community: A presumed Prince received the team. After explaining the purpose of the visit, the team waited for the King (Igwe Simeon Ekete Ugwu Nweze). The King received the letter, expressed his approval for the project, and offered to assist in identifying children needing help. Photographs were taken.
Ihe-agu Autonomous Community: The King (Igwe Sylvanus Aruma) was engaged in a meeting upon arrival. The team waited and was later received. The King signed the letter, expressed his support, and anticipated the team’s return. Photographs were taken.
Ezema-Edem Autonomous Community: Igwe Linus Attah-ugwu warmly welcomed the team, signed the letter, used a stamp on the team’s copy (unique instance), and advised the foundation to fulfill its promises. A photo session was held.
Umuoyo Autonomous Community: King Paul Attanike was unavailable. However, Chief Linus Ugwoke, a member of the King’s cabinet, received the team and signed the letter in the King’s absence.
Ihe Autonomous Community: Igwe George Asadu offered kola nut and drinks (declined by the team). He requested the author’s signature on the letter, which Ms. Jennifer provided. The King commended the project’s initiative, suggested approaching the local government for potential land allocation, and offered the foundation accommodation during future endeavors in Nsukka. Photographs were taken.
Isiakpu Autonomous Community: Igwe Patrick Okoro received the team, offered kola nut (accepted), and listened to the project details. He expressed his appreciation for acknowledging the traditional authorities, signed the letter, took photographs, and offered future support.
The King’s cabinets welcomed the team, offered refreshments, and received the news positively Nguru Autonomous Community: Igwe Linus Nosieike bayi pledged support and signed the letter. A group picture was taken. Owerre Autonomous Community: Igwe Linus Emeka Ugwu declined the letter due to the missing author’s signature. He offered kola nut (accepted) and requested the team to return with a signed copy.
Echara Autonomous Community: The King was unavailable, and attempts to contact the secretary proved unsuccessful.

A letter to a Teenager

Emmanual Iyke Foundation supported and collaborated with Star Africa to carried out a project themed " A letter to a Teenager" on the 17th February, 2024 at N0. 6 Makarfi road Narayi Bayan Duste ,after Paradise hotel, and before church road, Kaduna State.
Over 50 teenagers within Kaduna State participated
Objectives of the project
1. To connect with teenagers
2. To give them a listening hear and share in their worries and challenges.
3. To provide possible solutions to whatever they are going through.
4. To advise them against peer pressure
5. To encourage and prepare them about what they will be faced with in the nearest future.
6. To warn them against drugs and harmful substances that may be dangerous to their health.

The event was educative, fun and colorful, they teenagers were very excited as they make new friends and connect with their peer.

Emmanual Iyke Foundation was well represented by Shaibu Ibrahim.

27TH DECEMBER, 2023.
2023 Christmas Love Feast

The Emmanuel Iyke Foundation hosted its annual Christmas Love Feast on December 27th, 2023, aiming to spread holiday cheer and provide support to underprivileged children and young people. Introduction: The Emmanuel Iyke Foundation hosted its annual Christmas Love Feast on December 27th, 2023, aiming to spread holiday cheer and provide support to underprivileged children and young people.
Pre-Event Preparations:
Weeks leading up to the event involved extensive preparations:
Food and Beverage: Volunteers diligently prepared meals and secured refreshments to ensure a festive feast for the beneficiaries.
Gifts: Gifts were carefully chosen and wrapped, adorned with personalized stickers bearing the foundation’s name.
Transportation: Arrangements were made to pick up beneficiaries residing in remote areas, ensuring their participation in the celebration.
Venue Challenges: The event was planned to be held at the Igwe’s palace. However, upon arrival past 11:00 AM, the individual entrusted with providing the canopy failed to deliver, causing a delay.
Adapting to the Situation:
King’s Hospitality: The King graciously offered the use of his sitting room as an alternative venue.
Alternative Arrangements: Despite initial hesitation, the foundation sought another canopy solution, ultimately settling for the King’s parlour due to time constraints.
Event Flow:
Delayed Start: Due to the unforeseen venue concerns, the event commenced at 3:00 PM instead of the planned 2:00 PM start time.
Opening Ceremony:
A member of the King’s cabinet delivered the opening prayer. The King presented the traditional kola nut and addressed the gathering with welcoming remarks
Event Proceedings:
Delayed Start: As mentioned earlier, the event commenced at 3:00 PM due to unforeseen venue challenges. Opening Ceremony: A member of the King’s cabinet delivered the opening prayer. The King presented the traditional kola nut and expressed his gratitude towards the Emmanuel Iyke Foundation. He also offered blessings and well wishes for the foundation’s continued success. Beneficiary Introductions: Each beneficiary was introduced individually, along with their name and school affiliation.
A speech on behalf of Emmanuel Iyke was read, potentially outlining the foundation’s mission and goals. A brief recap of the foundation’s achievements and future plans was provided. Photo Opportunity: A group photograph session was held, capturing moments with the King, his cabinet members, parents, and the children.
Beneficiary Participation: The children were given the opportunity to share their school experiences, with positive responses reported. Entertainment: A lighthearted moment ensued as the children and the King engaged in a dance activity.
Festivities and Gift Distribution:
Meal Time: A delightful feast was served to all attendees, prepared by the foundation’s skilled chef.
Gift Presentation: Gifts were presented to the King, who then entrusted the distribution to a designated member of his cabinet.
Gift Details: Each beneficiary received essential items such as rice, instant noodles, and groundnut oil.
Expressions of Gratitude:
A parent’s speech: A heartfelt expression of thanks was delivered by a parent, acknowledging the foundation’s efforts and offering appreciation to the King. Prayerful wishes were extended for the foundation’s continued work.
Encouragement for beneficiaries: The children’s academic performance was assessed, and Christmas caps were distributed as a token of appreciation and encouragement for their efforts.
Closing Remarks:
Closing statement: The Onowu (a traditional leader) delivered concluding remarks.
Closing prayer: A parent led the gathering in a final prayer, marking the official end of the event.

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